Happy toddler in pyjamas and a hat

Once upon a time in a small regional town in the western district of Victoria there lived a small gremlin...

How far do you go back with these introductory things? I’m really not very good at that linear grand narrative stuff. It’s pretty much all happening all at once in my head and trying to organise it will make it boring. So maybe it’s probably best to live in the moment hey?

This post is the first entry of my photography journal. Just a wee introduction to mark the start before I get to all the good stuff. The good stuff will be about photo projects I’m working on and cool photo stuff I’ve done in the past as well as stories about the people I meet while I’m poking about with my camera.

I’m into photographing anything but I really love taking photographs of people. Doing what they love. Hanging out with people they love and having mad adventures. Personally I am not very good at being photographed so I know how hard it can be. I seem to morph into a refrigerator or something. It never feels like I’m looking at myself. So it is super important to me to make sure that the people I work with know for sure we’re working together to make something beautiful.

K x
